Cricket Wireless Hit With Class Claims Alleging Violations of the ADA
By: Elizabeth DiNardo, Esq. | Associate Counsel

On November 29, 2017, a proposed class action lawsuit was filed in Florida federal court against AT&T subsidy, Cricket Wireless, claiming that the company’s website violated the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”).
In the complaint, named plaintiff Andres Gomez, who is legally blind, claims that he has been unable to browse the Cricket Wireless website for a new cell phone because the software he uses to vocalize text is unable to configure with the site. In order for a website to be compatible with the screen-reading software that the plaintiff uses, a site must be able to be rendered into meaningful text. Gomez claims that by not maintaining a website that can be accessible to visually-impaired consumers, Cricket has violated the ADA which prohibits the denial of full and equal enjoyment of goods, services, facilities or public accommodation based on a disability.
Gomez is seeking a permanent injunction to force the defendant to create and maintain a website that is complaint with ADA standards. Additionally, the plaintiff is seeking compensatory damages on behalf of himself and a proposed class made up of any legally blind person in Florida or nationwide who has been denied equal use of the Cricket Wireless website.
The case is: Andres Gomez v. Cricket Wireless Inc., Case No.: 1:17-cv-24299, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida.
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