$2.4 Million Settlement Submitted for Court Approval in Natural Baby Wash Class Action
By: Elizabeth DiNardo, Esq. | Associate Counsel

On December 17, 2018, a $2.4 million settlement was submitted to Connecticut federal court Judge Robert N. Chatigny for approval, bringing a close to class claims against pharmaceutical giant Jonson & Johnson (“J&J”) alleging that the company intentionally mislead customers as to the quality of certain J&J baby products.
The suit was originally filed in October 2013 by named plaintiff, Heidi Langan. In the complaint, the plaintiff alleged that J&J’s Aveeno Baby Wash and Shampoo and Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bath were marketed by the defendant as “natural,” as evidenced by the statement “Natural Oat Formula” on the labels. Plaintiff argued that consumers therefore reasonably expected the products to contain all-natural ingredients, when in reality the products were made up of unnatural synthetic ingredients with “imperceptible amounts of natural ingredients.”
According to court documents, the $2.4 million settlement will be placed into a fund where class members, who submit a claim form, can receive $1 for each purchase of an included product up to 15 covered products per household, without proof of purchase. There is no maximum number of recoverable covered products with proof of purchase. Plaintiff will receive $5,000 and class counsel will be paid approximately $720,000 in legal fees. According to court documents any remaining money will be donated to the Nurse-Partnership.
The case is: Heidi Langan v. Johnson & Johnson Companies Inc., Case No.: 3:13-cv-0147, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut.
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